Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission: we promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. In support of the world Government's international development and disaster assistance through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance.

Our Core Values

  • We each contribute uniquely in advancing our mission, whether by working in different sectors or by supporting global operations and management.
  • We are ethical in all that we do.
  • We continually seek to improve our operations and increase our impact.
  • We honour our work and our accomplishments.
  • We seek to ensure that all voices are heard.
  • We advance equality, foster equal opportunity and address inequality within our work.
  • We recognise that professional development is fundamental to team satisfaction and success.
Board of Trustees

World Humanitarian Aid is governed by a board of trustees made up of the chief executives from Wellington Investment Holdings SA of our 15 members including charities and up to six independent trustees. The board has ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the World Humanitarian Aid and ensuring that it remains true to its charitable purpose and objectives.

The Secretariat

A small secretariat of 23 permanent staff is responsible for launching appeals, the day-to-day running of the organisation and the planning and execution of its strategic objectives.

Led by the Chief Executive, the secretariat is split into four teams: Communications, Fundraising, Resources & Finance, and Programmes & Accountability.

Emergency Appeals Appliance

World Humanitarian Aid is part of a global alliance of humanitarian coalitions which is called the Emergency Appeals Alliance (EAA). The EAA is comprised of organisations similar to the World Humanitarian Aid; a collection of national aid agencies that come together to respond to emergencies overseas. The EAA is the first global humanitarian aid initiative of its kind.

Visit the EAA website here.

While models vary in different countries, certain characteristics remain central to the success of joint humanitarian appeals. These are:

Participation of experienced global humanitarian agencies
Media partnerships which support the appeals by informing the public and decreasing fundraising costs by providing free ad space
Private sector partnerships – these may take many forms but generally allow the private sector to pre-establish their engagement in disaster relief in line with their resources for rapid deployment and support of relief efforts

The purpose of the EAA will be to share learning and experience from running national appeals, and to build membership of each EAA members organisation within the overall aim of increasing the impact of humanitarian aid globally.

Jobs and Volunteering

UK volunteering opportunities
Thank you for your interest. From time to time we have volunteering opportunities at World Humanitarian Aid. Please revisit this page to check if there are any volunteering opportunities.

Please note: World Humanitarian Aid does not work overseas and is unable to send volunteers to disaster areas. Overseas work is carried out by our Member Charities. World Humanitarian Aid is not able at the current time to offer work experience for under 18s, or internships.

Volunteering overseas
World Humanitarian Aid does not have permanent staff overseas and does not send volunteers to the field, but there are several UK-based organisations specialising in training or sending skilled volunteers to work on long-term assignments in developing countries.

RedR runs quality training courses which can help anyone interested in volunteering overseas improve their skills and knowledge of the humanitarian sector. RedR also provides advice to potential new relief workers.

VSO is an international development charity that works using volunteers. Experienced professionals share their skills with local colleagues in some of the world's poorest communities.

ReliefWeb is a project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Information and advice about working or volunteering overseas.

The Thompson Reuters Foundation provides global news, communications and logistics services to the international disaster relief community and the public.

If you want to find out how to donate commercial goods or services, please contact Global Hand.

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